

Sodium chromate solution (12268)

34.5 wt. % in water


General Information

  • CAS Number
    • 7775-11-3
  • Concentration
    • >= 25 % to < 50 %
  • EC Number
    • 231-889-5
  • Linear Formula
    • Na2CrO4
  • Product Type
    • Mixture Degrees Celsius

Physical Properties

  • Boiling Point/Range
    • 100 °C (1,013 hPa)
  • Chemical Composition
    • sodium chromate
  • Color
    • Yellow
  • Density
    • 1.35 g/cm3 (20 °C)
  • Flashpoint
    • Not applicable
  • Odor
    • Odorless
  • pH
    • 12 to 13 Undiluted
  • Physical Form
    • Crystalline powder
  • Solubility in Water
    • Completely miscible

Safety Information

  • Chemical Stability
    • Stable under recommended storage conditions.
  • Incompatible Materials
    • Reducing agents, Hydrazine, Combustible material, Organic materials, Corrosive in contact with metals

International Transportation

  • Chemical Class
    • 6.1
  • Harmonized System Code
    • 2841509100
  • Packing Group
    • II
  • Sub Class 1
    • 8
  • UN Number
    • 3289

General Information

  • CAS Number
    • 7775-11-3
  • Concentration
    • >= 25 % to < 50 %
  • EC Number
    • 231-889-5
  • Linear Formula
    • Na2CrO4
  • Product Type
    • Mixture Degrees Celsius

Physical Properties

  • Boiling Point/Range
    • 100 °C (1,013 hPa)
  • Chemical Composition
    • sodium chromate
  • Color
    • Yellow
  • Density
    • 1.35 g/cm3 (20 °C)
  • Flashpoint
    • Not applicable
  • Odor
    • Odorless
  • pH
    • 12 to 13 Undiluted
  • Physical Form
    • Crystalline powder
  • Solubility in Water
    • Completely miscible

Safety Information

  • Chemical Stability
    • Stable under recommended storage conditions.
  • Incompatible Materials
    • Reducing agents, Hydrazine, Combustible material, Organic materials, Corrosive in contact with metals

International Transportation

  • Chemical Class
    • 6.1
  • Harmonized System Code
    • 2841509100
  • Packing Group
    • II
  • Sub Class 1
    • 8
  • UN Number
    • 3289
  • CAS Number : 7775-11-3
  • Product Type : Mixture Degrees Celsius
  • EC Number : 231-889-5
  • Linear Formula : Na2CrO4
  • pH : 12 to 13 Undiluted
  • Chemical Composition : sodium chromate
  • Flashpoint : Not applicable
  • Physical Form : Crystalline powder
  • Density : 1.35 g/cm3 (20 °C)
  • Odor : Odorless
  • Boiling Point/Range : 100 °C (1,013 hPa)
  • Solubility in Water : Completely miscible
  • Color : Yellow
  • Chemical Stability : Stable under recommended storage conditions.
  • Incompatible Materials : Reducing agents, Hydrazine, Combustible material, Organic materials, Corrosive in contact with metals
  • Chemical Class : 6.1
  • UN Number : 3289
  • Sub Class 1 : 8
  • Packing Group : II
  • Harmonized System Code : 2841509100
  • Concentration : >= 25 % to < 50 %