
Solstice® HFO Blends

Solstice® 454A - (R-454A)

Solstice® 454A (R-454A) is a non-ozone-depleting, zeotropic blend designed as a low GWP alternative to R-404A in refrigeration applications.

Solstice® 454A (R-454A) is a non-ozone-depleting, zeotropic blend designed as a low GWP alternative to R-404A in refrigeration applications.  Solstice® 454A demonstrates approximately 6% improved efficiency, 8% better capacity and has  94% lower GWP than R-404A.With its environmental qualities and an evaporator glide of ~8oF, R-454A can be an effective long-term refrigeration solution in many applications:•  Low and medium-temperature supermarket refrigeration systems•  Retail food condensing units•  Cold storage•  Industrial Process Refrigeration (non-chiller)•  Industrial Process Refrigeration (chillers)*Maximum 200lb in applications per EPA Technology Transitions Rule

General Information

  • Application
    • Cold Storage
    • Food Retail - Condensing Unit
    • Industrial Process Refrigeration - Non Chiller
    • Industrial Process Refrigeration – Chillers: Low or Medium Temperature
  • ASHRAE Number
    • R-454A
  • Brand
    • Solstice®
  • Formula
    • R-1234yf - 35%
    • R-32 - 65%
  • Refrigerant Class
    • HFO Blend

Physical Properties

  • Appearance
    • Colorless
  • Critical Density
    • 28.49 lbm/ft3
  • Critical Pressure
    • 671.1 psia
  • Critical Volume
    • 0.035 ft3/lbm
  • Liquid Density
    • 63.73 lbm/ft3 at 77°F
    • 69.75 lbm/ft3 at 32°F
  • Liquid Thermal Conductivity
    • 0.048 Btu/h-ft-R at 77°F
  • Liquid Viscosity
    • 0.000082 lbm/ft-sec at at 77°F
  • Lower Flammable Limit
    • 8.4%, 17.5lb/1000 ft3
  • Molecular Weight
    • 80.5 kg/kmol
  • Vapor Density
    • 0.212 lbm/ft3 at 0 psig (Boiling Point)
    • 3.003 lbm/ft3 at 77°F
  • Vapor Thermal Conductivity
    • 0.008 Btu/h-ft-R at 77°F
  • Vapor Viscosity
    • 0.000008 lbm/ft-sec at 77°F


  • Boiling Point/Range
    • -54.1°F
  • Critical Temperature
    • 179.1°F

Safety & Environment

  • Global Warming Potential
    • 239
  • Ozone Depletion Potential
    • 0

Standards & Approvals

  • ASHRAE Safety Classification
    • A2L (Mildly flammable)

General Information

  • Application
    • Cold Storage
    • Food Retail - Condensing Unit
    • Industrial Process Refrigeration - Non Chiller
    • Industrial Process Refrigeration – Chillers: Low or Medium Temperature
  • ASHRAE Number
    • R-454A
  • Brand
    • Solstice®
  • Formula
    • R-1234yf - 35%
    • R-32 - 65%
  • Refrigerant Class
    • HFO Blend

Physical Properties

  • Appearance
    • Colorless
  • Critical Density
    • 28.49 lbm/ft3
  • Critical Pressure
    • 671.1 psia
  • Critical Volume
    • 0.035 ft3/lbm
  • Liquid Density
    • 63.73 lbm/ft3 at 77°F
    • 69.75 lbm/ft3 at 32°F
  • Liquid Thermal Conductivity
    • 0.048 Btu/h-ft-R at 77°F
  • Liquid Viscosity
    • 0.000082 lbm/ft-sec at at 77°F
  • Lower Flammable Limit
    • 8.4%, 17.5lb/1000 ft3
  • Molecular Weight
    • 80.5 kg/kmol
  • Vapor Density
    • 0.212 lbm/ft3 at 0 psig (Boiling Point)
    • 3.003 lbm/ft3 at 77°F
  • Vapor Thermal Conductivity
    • 0.008 Btu/h-ft-R at 77°F
  • Vapor Viscosity
    • 0.000008 lbm/ft-sec at 77°F


  • Boiling Point/Range
    • -54.1°F
  • Critical Temperature
    • 179.1°F

Safety & Environment

  • Global Warming Potential
    • 239
  • Ozone Depletion Potential
    • 0

Standards & Approvals

  • ASHRAE Safety Classification
    • A2L (Mildly flammable)
  • Formula : R-1234yf - 35%|R-32 - 65%
  • Application : Cold Storage|Food Retail - Condensing Unit|Industrial Process Refrigeration - Non Chiller|Industrial Process Refrigeration – Chillers: Low or Medium Temperature
  • Brand : Solstice®
  • Refrigerant Class : HFO Blend
  • ASHRAE Number : R-454A
  • Vapor Thermal Conductivity : 0.008 Btu/h-ft-R at 77°F
  • Molecular Weight : 80.5 kg/kmol
  • Critical Volume : 0.035 ft3/lbm
  • Vapor Density : 0.212 lbm/ft3 at 0 psig (Boiling Point)|3.003 lbm/ft3 at 77°F
  • Critical Pressure : 671.1 psia
  • Lower Flammable Limit : 8.4%, 17.5lb/1000 ft3
  • Liquid Thermal Conductivity : 0.048 Btu/h-ft-R at 77°F
  • Critical Density : 28.49 lbm/ft3
  • Appearance : Colorless
  • Vapor Viscosity : 0.000008 lbm/ft-sec at 77°F
  • Liquid Viscosity : 0.000082 lbm/ft-sec at at 77°F
  • Liquid Density : 63.73 lbm/ft3 at 77°F|69.75 lbm/ft3 at 32°F
  • Boiling Point/Range : -54.1°F
  • Critical Temperature : 179.1°F
  • Ozone Depletion Potential : 0
  • Global Warming Potential : 239
  • ASHRAE Safety Classification : A2L (Mildly flammable)
Data Sheet
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