
Phosphoric Acid

Ortho-Phosphoric Acid (17371)

80%, VLSI Puranal


General Information

  • Grade
    • VLSI
  • Synonyms
    • Monophosphoric acid 
    • Orthophosphoric acid
    • Phosphoric acid (aqueous)

Physical Properties

  • Boiling Point/Range
    • 158 °C (1,013 hPa)
  • Color
    • Colorless
  • Density
    • 1.63 g/cm3 (20 °C)
  • Flashpoint
    • Not applicable
  • Odor
    • Odorless
  • pH
    • Acidic
  • Physical Form
    • Liquid
  • Solubility in Water
    • Soluble

Safety Information

  • Corrosivity
    • Corrosive to metals
  • Ignition Temperature
    • Not applicable

International Transportation

  • Chemical Class
    • 8
  • Harmonized System Code
    • 28092000
  • Packing Group
    • III
  • UN Number
    • 1805

General Information

  • Grade
    • VLSI
  • Synonyms
    • Monophosphoric acid 
    • Orthophosphoric acid
    • Phosphoric acid (aqueous)

Physical Properties

  • Boiling Point/Range
    • 158 °C (1,013 hPa)
  • Color
    • Colorless
  • Density
    • 1.63 g/cm3 (20 °C)
  • Flashpoint
    • Not applicable
  • Odor
    • Odorless
  • pH
    • Acidic
  • Physical Form
    • Liquid
  • Solubility in Water
    • Soluble

Safety Information

  • Corrosivity
    • Corrosive to metals
  • Ignition Temperature
    • Not applicable

International Transportation

  • Chemical Class
    • 8
  • Harmonized System Code
    • 28092000
  • Packing Group
    • III
  • UN Number
    • 1805
  • Synonyms : Monophosphoric acid |Orthophosphoric acid|Phosphoric acid (aqueous)
  • Grade : VLSI
  • Boiling Point/Range : 158 °C (1,013 hPa)
  • Solubility in Water : Soluble
  • Physical Form : Liquid
  • Odor : Odorless
  • Density : 1.63 g/cm3 (20 °C)
  • Color : Colorless
  • Flashpoint : Not applicable
  • pH : Acidic
  • Ignition Temperature : Not applicable
  • Corrosivity : Corrosive to metals
  • Packing Group : III
  • UN Number : 1805
  • Harmonized System Code : 28092000
  • Chemical Class : 8