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Charge limit calculations apply to refrigerating systems, stationary or mobile of any size, excluding AC for transport vehicles, and are valid for occupied spaces above the ground. Calculations are based on Standard EN 378:1-2016.

1.Insert Room Dimension

Please Enter Width
Please Enter Length
Please Enter Height

Input the dimensions of the room which is or expected to be occupied by persons (e.g. supermarket, corner shop, office room, etc.).

2. Choose Access Category


Rooms, parts of buildings, building where sleeping facilities are available, occupants may be restricted in their movement, the number of occupants and access to the space is not regulated and occupants are not acquainted with the necessary safety precautions.


Hospitals, courts or prisons, theatres, supermarkets, schools, lecture halls, public transport termini, hotels, dwellings, restaurants


Rooms, parts of buildings, building where only a limited number of people may be assembled, some being necessarily acquainted with the general safety precautions of the establishment


Business or professional offices, laboratories, places for general manufacturing and where people work


Rooms, parts of buildings, building where only authorized persons have access, who are acquainted with general and special safety precautions of the establishment and where manufacturing, processing or storage of material or products take place


Manufacturing facilities, e.g. for chemicals, food, beverage, ice, ice-cream, refineries, cold stores, dairies, abattoirs, non-public areas in supermarkets

3. Choose System Purpose

Typically air-conditioning applications for the thermal comfort of people.

Typically refrigeration and temperature-control applications for goods e.g. food, equipment, etc.

Typically refrigeration and temperature-control applications for goods e.g. food, equipment, etc."

4. Choose System Classification


If the refrigerating system or refrigerant-containing parts are located in the occupied space, then the system is considered to be of class I unless the system complies with the requirements of class II.


If all compressors and pressure vessels are either located in a machinery room or in the open air then the requirements for a class II location shall apply unless the system complies with the requirements of class III. Coils and pipework including valves may be located in an occupied space.


If all refrigerant-containing parts are located in a machinery room or open air then the requirements for a class III location shall apply. The machinery room shall fulfil the requirements of EN 378-3:2016.


If all refrigerant-containing parts are located in a ventilated enclosure then the requirements for a class IV location shall apply. The ventilated enclosure shall fulfil the requirements of EN 378-2:2016 and EN 378- 3:2016.

Characteristic of Floor Location

Characteristic of Wall Mounted

Characteristic of Window Mounted

Characteristic of Ceilling Mounted


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