
Lab and Research Chemicals

We don’t just provide chemicals, we provide solutions that keep your lab running smoothly.

By leveraging cutting-edge technologies, state-of-the-art facilities, and a deep understanding of customer needs, Honeywell Lab and Research Chemicals makes everyday products more safe, hygienic, reliable, and durable. With centuries of expertise, we offer a comprehensive product portfolio of trusted brands and flexible production processes that cater to your volume and customization needs.

Whether you're working in diverse laboratories, industrial operations, or emerging markets, Honeywell delivers chemical solutions that will consistently exceed your expectations. Our esteemed brands, such as Burdick & Jackson®, BioSyn®, Fluka®, Hydranal®, and Riedel-de Haen®, have become synonymous with excellence in lab and research chemicals. But our commitment to excellence doesn't stop with established solutions.

Honeywell consistently stays ahead of market needs by developing new and innovative lab and research chemicals and formulations. We have introduced Hydranal NextGen FA reagents, the world’s first commercially available Karl Fischer reagents free of alcohol and imidazole, to solve your most challenging Karl Fischer water determination needs. You can explore a range of biosynthesis products that support oligonucleotide synthesis for rapid access to custom oligo sequences. Or review our extensive portfolio of chromatography products that have revolutionized the precision with which labs are able to separate and analyze complex mixtures.

Notably, Honeywell's dedication to sustainability extends to our Lab and Research Chemicals. We are steadfast in our pursuit of eco-friendly materials that balance performance with a reduced environmental footprint. Honeywell isn't just about providing chemicals, or even solutions. We're about transforming industries, and we invite you join us!

Featured Applications

Discover precision in every analysis and elevate your quantitative measurements for applications involving biological materials. Our advanced solutions for biochromatography, pH measurement, protein sequencing and trace metal analysis will empower your lab’s research and enable breakthroughs.
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Uncover an array of crucial reagents at every stage of oligonucleotide synthesis, from coupling and capping to detritylation and oxidation. Dive into our selection of low-water solvents to maintain precise control of moisture levels in biosynthesis applications.
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Certified Reference Materials
Ensure precise, reliable moisture measurements with Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) for analytical testing. CRMs are indispensable tools for labs to ensure the quality and integrity of their products and processes in instrument accuracy and validation, traceability, method verification and development, quality control, and comparisons.
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Elevate your lab’s precision and analysis in using chromatography to separate complex mixtures into their individual components. Innovative chromatography tools and materials, from derivatization reagents and HPLC to LC-MS and well plates, contribute to advancing research, improving quality control, and enabling scientific breakthroughs.
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Secure lab equipment and supplies for conducting experiments, research and analysis. Essential to facilitating lab processes and work flows, we offer a wide range of labware essentials such as safety equipment, solvent labware and well plates.
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Octane Determination
Measure the octane rating of gasoline and its anti-knock properties with iso-octane, n-heptane, toluene and 80 octane blends used in test engines, as well as titration solvent blends, all of which are critical for ensuring quality standards and performance.
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Trace Analysis
Achieve precise, accurate detection and measurement of trace amounts of specific material in a substrate with Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS), voltammetry and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Acids, bases, buffers, matrix modifiers, reagents, salts and solvents are used for sample prep, calibration and chemical reactions.
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Measure spectra using instrumentation, technologies and chemicals for Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP), Atomic Absorption (AA), Infrared (IR), and Ultra-Violet Visible (UV-VIS).
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Determine the concentration of analytes using sophisticated techniques such as complexometric, indicator, Karl Fischer, Redox and volumetric to quantitatively analyze the addition of a standard solution of known concentration, or titrant, to a sample.
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Wet Chemistry
Find versatile chemicals used in labs across multi-use, general or specialized applications or for those that are not otherwise specialized. Solutions include acids, bases, buffers, metals, elements, pH measurement, prepared solutions, reagents, salts, and solvents.
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