

Solstice PF Cleaning Solvents and PF-C Flushing Agents Usher in an Ultra-Low GWP Era

From space exploration to Earth-based applications, Honeywell offers an array of Solstice ultra-low GWP, nonflammable, high-performance precision cleaning solvents and flushing agent for the toughest cleaning challenges.  Degreasing solvents such as Solstice PF are used in applications where precision cleaning or a 2wt% methanol mixture is required, including aerospace. Solstice PF-C is the most common carrier solvent for items such as electronics flux and household cleaning. Ideal for circuit flushing in all manner of HVACR systems, Solstice EZ Flush is the ultra-low GWP replacement for HCFC 141b flushing agents. The Ekoflush cleaning system is a portable flushing unit used with Solstice PF-C for maximum service standard, performance and environmental responsibility. 

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