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Propellant and Solvents
Ushering in an ultra-low GWP era, Honeywell propellants and solvents are VOC-exempt, replacing phased-out products that have safety and environmental concerns such as HFC-134a, HFC-152a and HCFC 141b. Honeywell Solstice® aerosol propellants replace aerosol products in personal care, cosmetic and medical applications. Solstice propellant is a nonflammable solution with a low GWP <1. These industrial propellants are alternatives to HFCs and HCFCs and are used by the most environmentally conscious manufacturers of canned air and compressed air cleaners. Honeywell Solstice PF, PF-C, EZ Flush and Ekoflush have a low GWP and are the solution to the toughest cleaning and degreasing challenges. Honeywell offers an array of Solstice ultra-low GWP, nonflammable, high-performance precision cleaning solvents and flushing agent.
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