Genetron® 124 (R-124)
Being phased out globally. A medium pressure refrigerant for chiller applications and cooling systems for high-ambient conditions.
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Being phased out globally. A medium pressure refrigerant for chiller applications and cooling systems for high-ambient conditions.
- Refrigerant Class
- Linear Formula
- Chemical Name
- Chlorotetrafluoroethane
- ASHRAE Number
- R-124
- Substitutes
- CFC-12
- Application
- Commercial Refrigeration
- Brand
- Genetron®
- Saturated Liquid Density
- 83.5 lb/ft3 at 86 °F
- Specific Heat of Liquid
- 0.27 Btu/lb at 86 °F
- Specific Heat of Vapor
- 0.16 Btu/lb at 86 °F and 1 Atm, at Cp
- Critical Pressure
- 525.66 psia
- Molecular Weight
- 136.5 lbm/lbmol
- Critical Temperature
- 252.1 °F (ASTM D-1321)
- Boiling Point/Range
- 10.5 °F at 1 Atm
- Freezing Point
- -326 °F at 1 Atm
- Flammable Range
- Not Classified, %vol. in air (Based on ASHRAE Standard 34 with Match Ignition)
- Refrigerant Class
- Linear Formula
- Chemical Name
- Chlorotetrafluoroethane
- ASHRAE Number
- R-124
- Substitutes
- CFC-12
- Application
- Commercial Refrigeration
- Brand
- Genetron®
- Saturated Liquid Density
- 83.5 lb/ft3 at 86 °F
- Specific Heat of Liquid
- 0.27 Btu/lb at 86 °F
- Specific Heat of Vapor
- 0.16 Btu/lb at 86 °F and 1 Atm, at Cp
- Critical Pressure
- 525.66 psia
- Molecular Weight
- 136.5 lbm/lbmol
- Critical Temperature
- 252.1 °F (ASTM D-1321)
- Boiling Point/Range
- 10.5 °F at 1 Atm
- Freezing Point
- -326 °F at 1 Atm
- Flammable Range
- Not Classified, %vol. in air (Based on ASHRAE Standard 34 with Match Ignition)
- Refrigerant Class : HCFC
- Linear Formula : CHClFCF3
- Chemical Name : Chlorotetrafluoroethane
- ASHRAE Number : R-124
- Substitutes : CFC-12
- Application : Commercial Refrigeration
- Brand : Genetron®
- Saturated Liquid Density : 83.5 lb/ft3 at 86 °F
- Specific Heat of Liquid : 0.27 Btu/lb at 86 °F
- Specific Heat of Vapor : 0.16 Btu/lb at 86 °F and 1 Atm, at Cp
- Critical Pressure : 525.66 psia
- Molecular Weight : 136.5 lbm/lbmol
- Critical Temperature : 252.1 °F (ASTM D-1321)
- Boiling Point/Range : 10.5 °F at 1 Atm
- Freezing Point : -326 °F at 1 Atm
- Flammable Range : Not Classified, %vol. in air (Based on ASHRAE Standard 34 with Match Ignition)