Close-up photo of a semiconductor -- a gloved hand holds the microchip.
Close-up photo of a semiconductor -- a gloved hand holds the microchip.

High-Performance Sputtering Targets

Engineered to enable the superior performance of your next-generation semiconductors

Stay Ahead with the Most Consistent, High-Quality Metals for Your Manufacturing Needs.

Keep your manufacturing running with the highest quality metals. As the world's largest manufacturer of sputtering targets for the semiconductor industry, we provide the most consistent microstructure control down to the sub-micron level, ensuring the lowest particulate counts in the industry. With increased production capacity and expertise in copper, cobalt, titanium, and tungsten, we meet the needs of most OEM designs in PVD applications. We have four major electronic materials centers focused on research and development: Spokane, Washington; Sunnyvale, California; Chonburi, Thailand and Shanghai, China.

Industry-leading Target composition for consistent sputtering: The high value-added advanced materials with the patented technologies meet the most demanding requirements in the semiconductor industry

Designed for usage in diverse applications: Intensive metallurgy experience and collaborations with partners, optimized for various end-user applications - be it real-time performance or sustained long-term reliability.


World-class manufacturing capabilities, supply chain, and sustainability support: Continuous investments in capacity expansion, process technology upgradation, and material recycling to meet the increasing industry demand. 

Featured Products

With the core technologies to meet Target configurations and high-purity specifications, we have a strong position across the metal

  • 6N Cu, Cu-alloy serve full technology nodes
    • Alloy composition can be tuned based on customer’s requests.
  • Scaled up and launched high-strength monolithic Copper Manganese (CuMn) Targets:
    • Extend Target life-time > 1.5times
    • ECAE (Equal Channel Angular Extrusion) Technology
    • Expand composition limit up to 2.0at% Mn
    • Improve the PVD process yield through ultra fine grain structure.
  • Developed & implemented recycling process
  • Field Enhanced Profiled Design for better performance

  • Alloys cast in-house: 5N5Al, AlCu, AlSi,AlSiCu
    • Al alloy composition can be tuned based on customer’s requests.
  • Various grain size : Conventional TMP, ECAE technology
  • Various bonding designs to support high power applications
  • Field Enhanced Profiled Design for better performance

  • 4N5, 5N, 5N5 Ti
    • Grain size and purity can be tuned based on customer’s requests.
  • Developed & implemented recycling process
  • UCST (Ultra Clean Sputter Trap) Technology to improve the PVD process yield
  • Field Enhanced Profiled Design for better performance

Ready To Connect?

Contact us to learn more about our high-purity Sputtering Targets available in a vast selection of metals and alloys.