Energy Efficient

The energy efficiency of HFOs is demonstrated when comparing how much energy a cold room uses when working with an HFO system versus an ammonia system.

  • Solstice® N71 (R-471A) provides energy efficiency improvements of 30% compared to CO2 for medium temperature commercial refrigeration system.1
  • HFOs are a key enabler to the adoption of heat pumps. Their higher energy efficiency in commercial buildings and district heating schemes are essential to reducing fossil-fuel usage and electricity grid demand
  • Insulation materials produced using HFOs enable buildings to be more energy efficiency with optimum space usage.2
  • Only heating accounts for 50% of EU energy demand, and 70% still comes from burning fossil fuels which leads to CO2 emissions in the atmosphere.
  • HFO solutions exist in Europe and are readily available which combined with heat pump technologies can bring Europe on the path to climate neutrality and energy independence.3